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62.One-Pot Synthesis of Porous Hematite Hollow Microspheres and Their Application in Water Treatment

61.Fe(2)TiO(5)/alpha-Fe(2)O(3) nanocomposite hollow spheres with enhanced gas-sensing properties

60.Hydrothermal synthesis and structure of three novel open-framework lanthanide sulfate–oxalates

59.Ordered Arrays of Bead-Chain-like In2O3 Nanorods and Their Enhanced Sensing Performance for Formaldehyde

58.Oxalate-induced hydrothermal synthesis of CePO4:Tb nanowires with enhanced photoluminescence

57.Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of hollow hematite microspheres

56.Layered nanostructures of polyaniline with graphene oxide as the dopant and template

55.Preparation and crystal structure of [enH(2)](0.5)[Ho(HPO4)(SO4)(H2O)] (en; ethylenediamine)

54.Two-Dimensional Graphene Bridges Enhanced Photoinduced Charge Transport in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Highlighted by

Science Bulletin, 2017, 62,  234-235.

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2011, 2 (3), 270–271.

53.Morphology manipulation of alpha-Fe2O3 in the mixed solvent system

52.Controlled Synthesis of Terbium Orthophosphate Spindle-Like Hierarchical Nanostructures with Improved Photoluminescence

51.Direct hydrothermal synthesis of single-crystalline hematite nanorods assisted by 1,2-propanediamine

50.Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanorods by a Seeding Growth Method

49.Morphology-Control Synthesis and Photoluminescence Characterization of Cerium Compounds in Phosphoric Acid System

48.Two Step Preparation of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Doped with La

47.Preparation of SiO_2 Aerogels Heat Insulation Composites Reinforced by Aramid Fiber

46.Template-free Synthesis of a Novel 3D Cage-like Nanostructured alpha-Fe2O3

45.Synthesis of Ordered Cubic Periodic Mesoporous Silica with High Hydrothermal Stability

44.Synthesis of hematite particles with various shapes by a simple hydrothermal reaction

43.General Synthesis of Homogeneous Hollow Core-Shell Ferrite Microspheres

42.Preparation and potocatalytic property of porous TiO2 film with net-like framework

41.Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis and structure control of nano-sized CePO4

40.Removal of Cd2+ from aqueous solution with carbon modified aluminum-pillared montmorillonite

39.Removal of Cd2+ from aqueous solutions by hydroxyapatite

Ronghai Zhu, Ranbo Yu, Jianxi Yao, Dan Mao, Chaojian Xing, DanWang.

Catalysis Today, 2008, 139, 1–2, 94-99.


38.Hierarchical Three-Dimensional Cobalt Phosphate Microarchitectures: Large-Scale Solvothermal Synthesis, Characterization, and Magnetic and Microwave Absorption Properties

37.Mesoporous indium oxide synthesized via a nanocasting route

36.Morphology control of hydroxyapatite through hydrothermal process

35.Preparation and electrode performance of ferrihydrites for rechargeable lithium batteries

34.Synthesis and property of three novel organically templated layered cerium materials

33.Effect of organic solvents on the preparation of silica microspheres by hydrolysis of TEOS

32.Size and morphology control in the synthesis of SBA-15

Dan Wang



31.Preparation of plank-like BaTiO3 by hydrothermal soft chemical process from layered titanate precursors

Long Zhou;  R. Yu;  K. Zhu;  J. Yao;  X. Xing;  D. Wang;  X. Wu



30.Synthesis of porous TiO(2) monolith by organic membrane template

Yao Jianxi, Wang Dan

Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2007.


29.An Effective Route for Porous Ferrihydrite Preparation from Layered Double Hydroxide Precursors

28.Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of CdS nanowires/PVA composite films

27.Single crystal growth of ZrW2O8 by hydrothermal route.

26.A novel organically templated hybrid open-framework manganese

25.High-Pressure Synthesis and Structure of SrCo6O11: Pillared Kagome´ Lattice System with a 1/3 Magnetization Plateau

24.Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel 2-D polymeric manganese (II) complex with mixed ligands

23.In Situ Ligand Synthesis for a Novel 1-D Mn Coordination Polymer

22.Organic solvent control of inorganic structure: a one-dimensional zirconium phosphate inorganic polymer

21.Self-assembly of a novel manganiferous coordination polymer with mixed ligands

20.Preparation of palladium membrane over porous stainless steel tube modified with zirconium oxide
Dan Wang, Jianhua Tong ,  Hengyong Xu, Yasuyuki Matsumura*,  Catalysis Today,2004 ,93–95,689-693

19.Photocatalysis property of needle-like TiO2 prepared from a novel titanium glycolate precursor

18.Novel Complicated Titanate Consisted of Three Sublattices

17.Preparation of Thin Palladium Membrane on Porous Stainless Stell Support Modified with Cerium Hydroxide

16.A Novel Open-framework Cerium Sulfate Hydrate: Synthesis and Characterization

15.Soft chemical properties of layered zirconium hydroxy phosphate

14.Synthesis and characterization of the first organically templated layered cerium phosphate fluoride: [(CH2)(2)(NH3)(2)](0.5)[(CeF3)-F-IV(HPO4)]

13.An effective preparation route to a giant magnetoresistance material: Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of La0.5Sr0.5MnO3

12.A novel layered zirconium phosphate [NH4](2)[Zr(OH)(3)(PO4)] synthesized through non-aqueous route

11.Hydrothermal synthesis of perovskite-type solid solution of (1-x)BaTiO3 center dot xLa(2/3)TiO(3)

10.Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic phenol hydroxylation of a novel complex oxide HxV2Zr2O9.H2O

9.Hydrothermal synthesis of a giant magnetoresistance material La0.5Ba0.5MnO3 under mild conditions

8.Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel One-Dimensional Titanium Glycolate Complex Single Crystal:  Ti(OCH2CH2O)2

7.Catalytic performance in phenol hydroxylation by hydrogen peroxide over a catalyst of V-Zr-O complex

6.Novel Open-Framework Material:  Cerium Oxyfluoride with CeO6F2 Dodecahedron

5.Nonaqueous synthesis and characterization of a novel layered zirconium phosphate templated with mixed organic and inorganic cations

4.Hydrothermal synthesis of A-site deficient perovskite-type solid solution system (1–x) BaTiO3• xLa2/3TiO3 (x= 0.1–1.0)

3.A novel open-framework cerium phosphate fluoride: (NH4)[(CeF2)-F-IV(PO4)]

2.The first organically templated layered cerium phosphate-hydrogen sulfate: [enH(2)](0.5)[Ce-III(PO4)(HSO4)(OH2)]

1.Non-aqueous synthesis and structure of a novel monodimensional zirconium phosphate: [NH4](3)[Zr(OH)(2)(PO4)(HPO4)]

友情链接: Chem. Res. Chinese Universities CCS Chemistry Materials Chemistry Frontiers 中空多壳层纳微结构香山科学会议 第二届中空纳米材料国际研讨会

化环学院 (szu.edu.cn)

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